Monday, August 27, 2007


Ok so we finally got the invoice for the trip today, and payment should be sent off tomorrow.

From what I can figure, we should have somewhere between $3000 and $4000 left over from our fundraising.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Official Rockfest Tally

$860 profit

Awesome night.
Brings the approximate tally to $5800 by my records.
Some of that will go on taxes and insurance, but still plenty left over.

August Rockfest Statistics

Some interesting statistics for you to ponder while I get around to double-checking Pat's accounting and posting the total raised from this HUGE night.

On Friday night we sold (or gave away):
146 cans of regular V
126 bottles of Water
100 cans of Coke
60 little Freddos
30 Pies
22 cans of V Berry
21 little packets of Fruit Tingles
19 Pizza slices
13 cans of Orange
11 cans of Lift
9 bags of Snakes
8 packets of Wizz Fizz
5 cans of Diet Coke
4 cans of Lemon
3 tropical Primas
2 apple raspberry Primas
1 can of cheapo Cola
and 1 can of cheapo Diet Cola

At some stage during the night we sold out of 10 of the 18 items we had for sale (and either bought more or stopped selling them)

The smallest number of people in the canteen at any one time was 3
The greatest number of people in the canteen at any one time was 9

3 of the people (officially) working in the canteen were doing so for the first time

The amount of money we lost by giving away or discounting stuff, we almost exactly made up in donations and bag/jacket minding.

On average, for each person who attended rockfest, approximately $3 was spent in the canteen.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


If anyone has unsold chocolates, can they please bring them (plus any money for the ones they HAVE sold) tomorrow or Friday, as we can sell them at Rockfest and hopefully finish them off.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

A little bit of fundraising info.

Ok. According to one of the posts on RBT we have raised a total of $1130.20 from 3 Rokfests so far.

Thats $570.20 from the June Rokfest
$360 from the one before it.
and $200 from the first one.

There have been other fundraisers happening such as the chocolates and barbeques. Plus we have done a couple of Jericho's too.
--Caughey can you post the profits from them please?


...and we have comments!