Saturday, August 4, 2007

A little bit of fundraising info.

Ok. According to one of the posts on RBT we have raised a total of $1130.20 from 3 Rokfests so far.

Thats $570.20 from the June Rokfest
$360 from the one before it.
and $200 from the first one.

There have been other fundraisers happening such as the chocolates and barbeques. Plus we have done a couple of Jericho's too.
--Caughey can you post the profits from them please?


Caughey said...

Hmmmm I'll see what I can remember.
By the way we've only done one Jericho, and we made about $5

Caughey said...

Ok the school bursar has more accurate records, but I've got it at $805 from the bunnings BBQs, $1200 in sponsorship (Friendly Freight, Noble Park RSL, Keysborough Lions club, Dandenong Council), approx $600 from ... er... creative accounting... when collecting money for play excursions, about $1100 from Rockfests (with another coming up on Friday), $5 from Jericho, and approx $700 from the Chocolate drive, although there are still about 8 boxes unreturned - I know Kat has one, if anyone else does can they please either get the money in, or bring the leftover chocolates to school so we can sell them there.

I also need to sort out with Mr Mateljan whether we are getting any of the plain clothes money or not. I thought we were but it may be more complicated. Long story.

So I make it about $4410 so far.
Friday's rockfest should get us up around $5000, the remaining chocolates will nudge us up towards $5500, and who knows how the trivia night will go. Oh there are still several Drama students that haven't paid their $20 yet either.

Caughey said...

I forgot $200 from the staff footy tipping

Anonymous said...

tsk tsk tsk...someone needs to look into their memory from a penseive...

Lauz said...


Actually. If there was one I think I would want to join too. As well as 99.98% of the children population.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Scopel.

Coy said...

In more relevant news, we only need to sell $100-$120 worth of stuff before we are into profit at Rockfest on Friday, due to us having heaps of stock left over from Jericho and Bunnings.

I'm tipping one of our biggest nights ever.

Anonymous said...

Excellent! Bigger chance for us all to go to Paris! Travelling is fun

Anonymous said...

Oh and who said HP isn't relevant? We're going to the UK for goodness sake!