The weather in London so far is as follows:
Saturday ---- Drizzle 14C - 21C
Sunday ------ Fine 13C - 22C
Monday ----- Rain showers 10C - 16C
Tuesday ----- Fine 8C - 15C
Wednesday -- Fine 7C - 12C
Average for September ---- 11.4C - 19.1C
Average for October ------- 8.9C - 15.2 C
The weather in Paris so far is as follows:
Saturday ---- Sunny 12C - 22C
Sunday ------ Sunny 13C - 24C
Monday ------ Sunny 12C - 19C
Tuesday ----- Showers 9C - 18C
Wednesday -- Fine 9C - 15C
Average for October ----9.2C - 15.8C
Here is the link to the weather website if you wish to view more:
On that website you can view other forecasts of the cities in the UK and other countries in Europe.
This suggests the following outlook for the UK for Autumn 2007.
- Most likely to be warmer than the 1971-2000 average, though cooler than last autumn
- Average or below-average rainfall is more likely rather than above-average rainfall
- Less frequent periods of very windy weather for autumn as a whole
- Greater risk of fog, compared to normal, during the latter part of autumn
- High pressure systems to the west of the British Isles may be more frequent than is usually the case in autumn
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